The knowledgebase is a repository of articles, blogs, and other flower information from around the world. |
Container Gardening Tips and Advice Articles
( 1 Article )
We've grouped together articles for people who prefer container gardening. Maybe you live in a flat/appartment with a small garden, or you simply don't have the time or energy to look after a whole garden. Container plants are the way to go, to give your garden some colour and character.
Edible plants tips and advice
( 2 Articles )
Gardening is a vast subject, so to narrow things down a bit, we have grouped together all the articles we could find on edible plant care here. This includes soft fruits like strawberies, grapes, blueberries, etc. It also includes vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, leeks, etc and fruit bearing trees, and also herbs and spices to jazz things up a bit.
Flower and Plant Blog Articles
( 2 Articles )
Here you will find snippets from various blogs in the flower and plant fields, click on the source link to get more information.
Gardening Diary
( 1 Article )
We've searched the internet for gardening events like the Chelsea Flower show, and other gardening events around the world. Please use Contact Us if you want to inform us of your upcoming event.
Gardening Questions & Answers
( 2 Articles )
This is the page where your gardening questions can be aired and hopefully answered, we are still installing a comment system so that members of the public can get a chance to ask and answer questions, so plese bear with us while we implement this. For now we will bring you q & a articles from around the globe.
Gardening Tips and Advice Articles
( 4 Articles )
We've gathered all the articles we can find about caring for flowers and plants in your garden from gardening experts around the world. We have also stored complete articles from incomplete articles you may have been reading on article directories like ezine articles.
Gardens to Visit
( 1 Article )
We've scoured the internet to find information on gardens to visit, gardening shows, demonstrations in gardens, and various tours.
Indoor Flower and Plant Tips and Advice Articles
( 1 Article )
Here you will find articles giving tips and advice on indoor flower and plants, also you will find complete articles from incomplete articles you may have been reading on article directories like ezine articles.
( 1 Article )
Articles about trees